About Us

Change is the only constant in life. In March of 2020, conditions altered; businesses, individuals, and the entire globe transformed. Northedgeshop is changing as we approach our third anniversary. And we aim to encourage you to do the same.

A Strong Commitment to Customers

While we continue to be proud of the fact that "Data promotes a better life," we recognize that those requirements may have changed. Life is no longer simply about the daily grind; it's becoming increasingly clear that individuals need to take a step back and start caring more about themselves and the people around them. We want to inspire our consumers to get out there and try something new.

Optimal Shopping Experience

What does this have to do with you? We're looking forward to building a more personalized experience overall, in addition to continuing to deliver excellent customer service, affordable rates, and Membership Perks. Stay tuned for more personalized notifications and promotions based on your preferences. We've also updated our inventory and categories to focus on giving you more "me time," as well as things that help you enjoy family, friends, and togetherness.

Why choose Northedgeshop?

Northedgeshop is a company driven by passion, both yours and ours! We strive to bring passion to our work by demonstrating it in the following areas: (1) the relationship between the market and customer need, (2) resource deployment in terms of faster production of product trends and product design, (3) a commitment to customer service, (4) excellent interactive communication with customers, and (5) product enhancement through ongoing dialogue with customers in the form of customer feedback and reviews to meet individual needs.


You can reach us by email directly at info@northedgeshop.com

You can also SMS us anytime at +1 707-200-1211

Our office address: 13501 Jack Northrop Ave, City of Hawthorne, CA, United States 90250 (This is not a returning address)